Friday, May 31, 2019

Project Update - May 31st

As we wrap up the week I am excited to let you know that we will be opening all of the greens beginning June 1st. It is felt that the sod has taken root well enough to withstand play from golfers. The bunkers will be marked as Ground Under Repair and relief must be taken. However, all other areas, including the paspalum collars, will be in play unless otherwise marked. Keep in mind that the newly renovated areas will not be perfect and smooth at this time. Because of this, you may take relief from any sod seams or lies impacted by the construction.

Remember, the sand will not be added to the bunkers until the end of June. This is to allow the sod in the bunker floors to root and establish. The idea is to create a physical barrier between the native sand with seashells and the clean bunker sand. We will kill off the grass in the bunker floors but leave it in place before adding sand to the bunkers.

Tee construction continued throughout the week and next week is expected to be very productive. The goal remains to be complete with construction within the next couple of weeks.

It is still hot and dry with no rain in sight. We are holding on okay for now but a full green-up isn't expected until we start receiving some decent rainfall.

#9 approach

If you find your ball in a hole or seam resulting from recently installed sod, you may take relief without penalty.
Stockpiling material before starting work on #10 tees.

#5 tee following demolition of the old tee.

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