Thursday, April 12, 2018

Just A Little Off The Top

This week the grounds department began cutting back the ficus hedge along number nine. This hedge was planted over a decade ago to give the golf course separation from the Bayway. Every two to three years we cut the hedge back to just a few feet high. This is done to keep the bottom part of the hedge dense in order to best serve as a barrier. If this trimming is not performed, our hedge would eventually turn into a row of trees with little density at the bottom. While they look like dead stumps now, the hedge will soon regenerate and grow back full and healthy.

As a result of Hurricane Irma, much of our hedge blew over but was still alive. Another benefit of cutting back the ficus is that we hope to straighten these plants. This would be difficult to do successfully if they were still 20 feet tall.

We will continue this work to the ficus hedge across the entire property until complete.