Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Lake Bank Project Nearing Completion

A few months back we noticed that the lake bank on hole #17 had eroded so far that the irrigation mainline pipe was exposed. This created a sense of urgency to reclaim and stabilize this bank. Using the same "Geotube" method we have utilized in other ponds, we worked on and off over the past couple of months to pump sediment from the lake bottom into the geotextile tubes used to stabilize the bank. Last week we graded the backfill material to form the new slope.

Today we were able to lay new sod around the lake. While not the nicest of days, the grounds department worked hard in the rain to get the bare ground covered with grass to prevent any possible erosion. A full truckload of grass was not quite enough to complete the project. The remaining grass is scheduled for delivery next week.

Lake Bank on Side of #17. Notice the White Irrigation Pipe.

Arturo during the pumping process.

Pedro and Arturo working to grade the soil.

The crew laying sod today.
Finished Product!