Saturday, December 1, 2018

Never Stop Improving

While we had a busy summer with golf course projects, the work hasn't stopped. You may have noticed a few things going on around the property.

First, a few weeks ago we started working on restoring another lake bank. This one wasn't originally planned for work this year. However, it was discovered that a 6-inch irrigation mainline had been exposed on number #17 as a result of significant erosion. In order to prevent a potential blowout of the irrigation, it was decided that we needed to immediately address this lake bank by using the same geotube method employed on other banks over the past few years. We will not only repair the area with the exposed pipe but also take the opportunity to restore the entire shoreline.

Notice the white pipe just above the water. That is a 6-inch irrigation main.

Arturo is guiding the hose to allow for the proper deposition of fill.

Another project worked on this week was at the practice putting green. Fernando and a crew of employees worked to install a brand new irrigation loop for the practice putting green and reroute the feed for the first hole. This work is being performed to allow for future expansion of a golf cart staging area.

Jason and Pedro are trenching a line for the new irrigation pipe while Fernando and Cristino work in the background.

Over the next few weeks you can also look forward to seeing new plantings installed along the fence by the first tee.

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