Monday, October 5, 2015

Now That The Monsoons Are Coming To An End...

This has been a very challenging summer to keep up with maintenance and efficiently complete projects. Repeated low pressure systems mixed with summer weather patterns brought us consistent rainfall. Everytime we began to dry out another rain event occured. Even now that the rains have decreased, the ground remains close to saturated. Besides keeping up with the mowing, one of the most challenging aspects has been weed management. Rainy weather decreased both the frequency and effectiveness of herbicide applications allowing weed populations to increase. 

You will notice we have been more active applying herbicides over the past couple of weeks. This is evident by the brown weeds and sometimes thin areas of turf where weeds have died. #6 fairway (one our wettest) was one of the worst locations for weed development this summer. When we sprayed out the nutsedge (weed) we were left with areas of thin turf. We had some sod leftover from a recent project so we chose to sod the worst areas in 6 fairway as opposed to waiting for recovery. These areas are currently marked as ground under repair but will be ready for play within a couple of weeks. 

This week we are applying fertilizer to provide the grass with the nutrients necessary for healthy growth. A large truck is used to apply the fertilzer. The grounds maintenance staff will repair any tire tracks left by the truck. However, if you find your ball lying in an unrepaired track you are entitled to a free drop. 

   Nutsedge is the shiny appearing blades mixed in with the turf.

   Nutsedge used to reside in this location before herbicide application.

   Day old sod leftover from a project used to patch 6 fairway. (It will green up!)

   Areas of tropical signalgrass killed on #16. The bermudagrass will recover.

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