Thursday, August 7, 2014

Welcome to Isla!

We took the opportunity to change the landscaping at the front sign. More color and a cleaner design. Can't wait to see it grow!


  1. Neat idea Kevin. Good work over the summer. We took pictures of the "beautiful" Bayway about 3 weeks ago. I asked Peter Olson to take them and in the process he had to throw away the shoes and pants he was wearing because of hidden pools of water, burrs and waist high grass. Hope we get something done soon.

    1. Mr. Rogers, Thank you for the comment. I have received a lot of positive feedback about the blog. Although I would like to, it is so difficult to meet face-to-face with all of our members. This gives me the opportunity to reach out to everyone instantly to keep them informed. In regards to the bayway, I am hopeful that something will be worked out with the city and DOT. It is unfair to those who live here and especially the club. Outsiders have no idea how nice it is inside the hedges when all they can see is the unkempt jungle of the bayway. See you soon.
