This past week the grounds maintenance department worked long hours in the hot Florida sun. It was a very productive week with everything going as planned. There is still clean-up to be performed on some fairways, but overall everything looks healthy and should recover well. The men in the grounds department worked exceptionally hard this week. If you see them, please pass along your appreciation.
Some statistics on the week:
- 3,600,000 cores pulled from greens
- 62,726,400 cores pulled from fairways and tees
- 60 total acres aerified
- 75 tons of bulk sand used to topdress greens
- 61,600 pounds of dry bagged sand injected into greens
- 8 men moving 30 tons of sand bagged in 50# bags (7500 pounds moved by each man)
- 130 collective acres of grass mowed
- 900 man hours of work (that would take 1 person 112.5 8 hour workdays to complete)
- 1 partial solar eclipse
Holes punched and filled on greens
Fernando aerifying #18 fairway
61,600 pounds of bagged sand (1232 50# bags) soon to be moved by hand one at a time